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Cover Giordano Bruno De Magia Black Letter Press

Giordano Bruno — De Magia

Translated by Paul Summers Young

Cover design by Alice Rocchetti


Giordano Bruno (1548 - 1600) is at once significant and enigmatic; a 16th-century Wittgenstein whose far-reaching interests and passionate investment in his subject matter carried him far beyond his contemporaries conceptually. By the same token, his commitment to what he considered valid, and his inability to read the room, led him into continuous conflict with his peers, and ultimately spelled his end.

Our edition is focused on his magical literature, and is a new translation based on the Tocco and Vitelli research:


  • Lampas Triginta Statuarum
  • De Magia Mathematica
  • De Magia Naturali
  • Theses De Magia
  • De Rerum Principiis et Elementis et Causis
  • De Vinculis in Genere


Giordano Bruno is more often spoken of than actually read. While his work has been translated and published, and very widely discussed, much of that material is out of print, or accessible only in scarce academic publications. And yet he casts a literal shadow across the subject; his monument in the Campo de' Fiori has become an icon of philosophical, and especially esoteric, free thought.

We hope our new translation of Giordano's Latin magical texts will make him more accessible to a general readership, and as with all our projects, stimulate our reader's interest and imagination in the field as a whole.

  • Details

    Hardcover bound in Red Italian Fedrigoni Imitlin, 2nd edition

    427 Pages, including detailed index at the end

    Measures 140x215 mm

    Black Endpapers

    Thread Sewn Book Block printed on wood free, age resistant Cream paper

    Front and spine are decorated and titled in gold gilt

€80.00 Regular Price
€76.00Sale Price
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